Hi. I’m Nick.

I’m just a middle-aged bald dude with lots of opinions on lots of things.

I’ve spent the last 10+ years writing fantasy content for outlets like The New York Times, NBC’s Rotoworld, and running my own fantasy site: ProjectRoto.

About six years ago, I had my first kid (I have two boys now who are 4 and 6) and fantasy sports started seeming ridiculously trivial. I sold my site and more or less stopped tweeting about fantasy sports. This was also right around the time when the world starting going even more insane than ever. I was quickly greeted with a LOT of “STICK TO SPORTS!” refrains — from people of all political persuasions. For those of you who know me from Twitter, you know I most definitely did NOT follow those commands.

What am I doing here?

I don’t really know, but I spend way too much time on Twitter and figured I’d find a place that gave me more than 280 characters to express my thoughts.

My plan is to basically write about all sorts of stuff: life, politics, running/fitness, music, food, podcasts, TV, raising kids, movies, and yes…even sports (sometimes). I can’t promise I’ll post every day, and I can’t promise I’ll always post something that interests you. But I *can* promise I’ll do my best to keep my posts consistent, relevant, interesting, and (relatively) short. I’m also going to try my best to be brutally honest, introspective, challenging, thoughtful, and sometimes push us all to feel uncomfortable — it’s a good thing, I promise.

I certainly don’t claim to have all the answers (and I might even piss you off along the way), but I’m going to do my best to make you think, laugh, cry, and question your priors — especially when it comes to life and politics. I’m hoping to use this space to create conversation (please feel free to comment on anything and everything!), and am looking to learn as much as I can along the way.

Why should you subscribe?

Well…if you’re here, it’s probably because you care about my thoughts on Twitter enough to at least be curious about this new endeavor.

So why not give it a shot? It’s free. All you have to do is subscribe below (did I mention it’s free?) and you’ll get an email every time I post something.

Ready to (not) stick to sports?

Subscribe to Stick to Sports

What is this substack about? I don't really know yet, but we're most definitely NOT sticking to sports.


I'm a dad and a husband. I'm a man without a political party. I run a lot. Like, a lot a lot. I love sports (mostly Boston teams — don’t hold it against me). I listen to a lot of podcasts.